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Tips for Dealing With Water Damage

Updated: Oct 20, 2020

Many people are at risk of flooding in South Florida and they are not even aware of this. A flood can completely destroy your home and items inside. The longer the water sits, the more damage it will do to your home. It is important for you to act on this as rapidly as you can to minimize the damage and start the cleanup process. Sadly it is possible for water damage to be very costly, up to thousands of dollars to repair. People wonder if they can clean up the damage on their own or rely on professional water damage restoration services to handle the job. According to Florida Coast Restoration Corp, this is what you should do if you experience water damage in Florida.


Steps to Take After an Indoor Flooding

Floods can happen in many ways such as falling water from disasters, broken or clogged pipes, or toilet overflow. It is important to take all the necessary steps below to avoid furthering any damage or putting someone in danger.

Stay Safe at All Times

Avoid any electrical outlets or hazardous water as this can be dangerous. Keep you and your family as safe as possible. If you experience black water which is level 3 and dangerous, immediately reach out to a water damage company for assistance. This water is from sewers and nearby bodies of water and has dangerous bacteria that should be handled professionally.

Photograph the Water Damage

Take pictures of the water damage for insurance purposes before you start cleaning up the water if possible. You don't want insurance to later on give you issues if it comes to saying something was damaged in your house.

Turn of the Water Valve and Power if Necessary

Bad plumbing can lead to a flood in your home. Find the water shutoff valve, shut it off and the water will stop. It may be a good idea to shut off the fuse box and main connections even if not used. Once you shut off the water you want to attend your house. Put a tarp down on the area and use a bucket to get any water out that you can. Reach out to water damage experts to help stop mold growth and damage.

Remove the Water and Mitigate Damage

The longer water sits the more dangerous it can become. Make sure you clean up the water with professional air movers, dehumidifiers, and air scrubbers to get the job done correctly to prevent mold growth and building infrastructure problems. It may be in your best interest to get a water damage restoration company to handle the cleanup on your behalf.

If you have flooding and it is too big to handle give us a call today at (754) 234-8634, to learn more about our services.

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